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121. The Basics of Cyber Warfare Understanding the Fundamentals of Cyber Warfare in Theory and Practice

by Winterfeld, Steve | Jason Andress, Andrew Hay.

Material type: book Book Publisher: USA Elsevier 2013Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 355.3 WIN] (1).

122. Implementing Analytics A Bluepring for design, Development, and Adoption

by Sheikh, Nauman.

Material type: book Book Publisher: USA Elsevier 2013Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 003 SHE] (1).

123. Private Cloud Computing Consolidation, Virtgualization, and Service-Oriented Infrastructure

by Smoot, Stehp;en, R | Nam, K. Tan.

Material type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2012Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.758 SMO] (1).

124. Human Computer Interaction an Empirical Research Perspective

by Mackenzie, I. Scott.

Material type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2013Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.019 MAC] (1).

125. Microwave & Wireless Communications Technology

by Carr, Joesph J.

Material type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2012Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 621.382 CAR] (1).

126. Pattern Recognition

by Theodoridis, Sergios | Konstantinos Koutroumbas.

Edition: 4thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2011Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 006.4 THE] (1).

127. Pattern Recognition

by Theodoridis, Sergios | Konstantinos Koutroumbas.

Edition: 4thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2011Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 006.4 THE] (1).

128. Principles of Big Data Preparing, Sharing, and Analyzing Complex Information

by Berman, Jules.

Material type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2014Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.74 BER] (1).

129. Principles of Data Integration

by Doan, AnHai | Alon Halevy, Zachary Ives.

Material type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2013Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.73 DOA] (1).

130. Doing Bayesian Data Analysis A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan

by Kruschke, John K.

Edition: 2ndMaterial type: book Book Publisher: USA Elsevier 2015Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 519.5 KRU] (1).

131. Digital Design and Computer Architecture

by Harris, David Money | Sarah L. Harris.

Edition: 2ndMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2015Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 621.381 HAR] (1).

132. Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

by Witten, Ian H | Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall, Christopher J. Pal.

Edition: 4thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: USA Elsevier 2017Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.74 WIT] (1).

133. Structured Parallel Programming Patterns for Efficient Computation

by McCool, Michael | Arch D. Robison, James Reinders.

Material type: book Book Publisher: UK Elsevier 2012Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.1 MCC] (1).

134. Samulation

by Ross, Sheldon M.

Edition: 5thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2017Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 519.2 ROS] (1).

135. Samulation

by Ross, Sheldon M.

Edition: 5thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2017Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 519.2 ROS] (1).

136. Samulation

by Ross, Sheldon M.

Edition: 5thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2017Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 519.2 ROS] (1).

137. Computer and Machine Vision Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities

by Davies, E. R.

Edition: 4thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India Elsevier 2013Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 006.37 DAV] (1).

138. Design of Industrial Information Systems

by Boucher, Thomas O | Ali Yalcin.

Material type: book Book Publisher: USA Elsevier 2009Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 670.285 BOU] (1).

139. Charting A Course for A Sussessful Research Career (Photo Copy) A Guide for Early Career Researchers

by Johnson, Alan M.

Edition: 2ndMaterial type: book Book Publisher: Netherlands Elsevier 2011Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 378.007 JOH] (1).

140. Charting A Course for A Sussessful Research Career (Photo Copy) A Guide for Early Career Researchers

by Johnson, Alan M.

Edition: 2ndMaterial type: book Book Publisher: Netherlands Elsevier 2011Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 378.007 JOH] (1).

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