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Your search returned 38 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Advanced Cobol

by Phillippakis, A.S | Kazmier, Leonard J.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw - Hill 1987Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.133 PHI] (1).

2. Structured Pascal

by Tremblay, Jean-Paul | Bunt, Richard B.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw - Hill 1980Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.133 TRE] (1).

3. Customer Information Control Systems

by Bertle, Joseph J.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw - Hill 1987Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004 BER] (1).

4. Advanced Cobol

by Philippakis, A.S | Kazmier, Leonard J.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw - Hill 1982Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.133 PHI] (1).

5. 1-2-3 : The Complete Reference

by Campbell, Mary.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: USA Osborne McGraw - Hill 1986Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.4 CAM] (1).

6. Single Chip Microcomputers

by Lister, Paul.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: Usa McGraw -Hall 1984Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.22 LIS] (1).

7. Local Area Network Reference

by Chorafas, Dimitris N.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw -Hill 1989Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.68 CHO] (1).

8. Computers and Information an Introduction

by Orilia, Lawrence S.

Edition: 3rdMaterial type: book Book Publisher: USA McGRAW - HILL 1986Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004 ORI] (1).

9. Network Protocol Handbook

by Naugle, G Matthew.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw -Hill 1994Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 004.67 NAU] (1).

10. Personal Computer Interfaces Macs To Pentiums

by Hordeski, Michael.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw - Hill 1995Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.22 HOR] (1).

11. Data Communications and Networking

by Forouzan, Behrouz A | Coombs, Catherine.

Edition: 2ndMaterial type: book Book Publisher: Singapore mCgRAW -Hill International 2000Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.6 FOR] (1).

12. Network+ Certification Success Guide

by Cady, Dorothy | Cadjan,Nancy.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw -Hill 1999Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 004.67 CAD] (1).

13. MCSD Visual C++ Distributed Applications Study Guide

by Anderson, Duncan.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw -Hill 2000Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.133 AND] (1).

14. Information Technology for Management

by Lucas, Henry.

Edition: 6thMaterial type: book Book Publisher: Singapore McGRAW - HILL 1997Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 658.4038 LUC] (1).

15. The Intelegent Network Standards Their Application To Services

by Faynberg, Igor | Gabuzda, Lawrence R.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw -Hill 1997Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.67 FAY] (1).

16. Turbo Pascal 6.0 The Nuts & Bolts Of Program Construction

by Dielsi, John.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi McGraw -Hill 1991Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 005.133 DIE] (1).

17. Optical Switching and Networking Handbook

by Bates, Regis J ' Bud.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Sinjgapore McGraw - Hill 2001Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 004.67 BAT] (1).

18. Cisco Router Networking

by Ammann, Paul.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw - Hill 2000Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 004.67 AMM] (1).

19. People CMM Interpreting People CMM for Software Organizations A guide for Improving People Related and Work Force Practices

by Nandyal, Raghav s.

Material type: book Book Publisher: India Tata McGraw -Hill 2003Availability: Items available for loan: FCITOC [Call number: 005.1 NAN] (1).

20. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of English Grammar

by Ehrlich, Eugene.

Edition: 3rdMaterial type: book Book Publisher: India McGraw -Hill 2000Availability: Items available for loan: FCITNC [Call number: 415 HER] (1).

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